
Open Data College Scorecard

Valerie Parham-Thompson

I’ve been pretty quiet recently, I know. My youngest has been going through the college application phase, which has taken a lot of time for both of us. I wouldn’t give up all the lovely college visits and overnights, but I might easily part ways with the paperwork.

I do have something fun to share from the experience. I didn’t like the limitations of common college search websites. In particular, we were looking for a college in a subset of surrounding states. Most college search forms allow you to enter only a region, and the Southeastern region was too broad for her search. I also didn’t like that signing up for the sites subjected you to a lot of marketing.

Processing Data with Pandas

Valerie Parham-Thompson

I’ve been experimenting with processing data with Pandas this week, specifically historical NOAA weather data, and storing it in a local YugabyteDB cluster. This open data set contains max/min/precipitation for years back to 1750 (not all data points are available for all years or locations). It’s available here:

I leveraged my existing demo framework to provision a local YugabyteDB cluster, and then used Pandas to import data from txt and csv files. The txt lookup files were countries, states, stations, and inventory. The csv files were available in different formats. The code I’ve linked below imports all weather data for a single year.